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Free Job Portal Platform

The most informative platform for job seekers to learn on interview procedures, questions and get a dream job.


The most attractive platform for Employers to get the right candidate who will make their own contribution


HIIREDD.COM is committed to provide solutions for Employers to fulfill their job requirements very fast with multiple options at low cost, helping them to increase their productivity without time loss of recruitment difficulties. HIIREDD.COM is the only one job portal who provide absolutely FREE services and almost FREE services with more benefits and features for Employers with most modern technical candidate search and research facilities.


HIIRDD.COM helps job seekers with many things like Interview tips, FAQ in Interviews, related education videos , online discussion and many more with a moto to get connected the job seekers with the right employer and visa versa.

JOB SEEKERS—POST YOUR  RESUME at  IT IS   absolutely FREE all the time.

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Sales Management & Training 

Sales Training 


1. Market demarcation

2. How to find out prospects

3. How to prospect and generate       enquires

4. How to get appointment

5. How to prepare a product presentation

6. How to present the product to a prospect

7. How to do follow up

8. How to conduct post quotation meeting

9. How to convert product features into customer benefits.

10. How to get the order with out discounting.


Sales Management


1. Designing and implementing automated attendance daily sales projection commitments

2. Target fixing

3. Automated daily report and monitoring system

4. Weekly reviews

5. Monthly reviews

6. Discussion on Salesman issue viz market issue

7. Discussion on difficulty in target achievement and providing solutions to achieve the targets

8. MIS for Management on daily activities of sales team.

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Virtual Assistant 

  1.  Daily 20 Company Intro e mail service to your target customers

  2.  Attending your customer calls for product / service enquiries

  3.  â€‹Preparing quotations on your behalf.  

  4. Attending meetings with your customs (within Chennai)

  5. ​Up to 3 meetings per week. 

  6. Product / Service sourcing for you, Techno Commercial      Comparison

  7.  â€‹Concept website / Concept broucher designing

  8. ​Daily reporting through automated system on our    work status

  9. Any mail correspondence to your customers if required.

  10.  Commercial Documentation procedure and guidance.

  11. Suggesting and guiding on Sales promotional activities

  12. Suggesting and guiding for Automated reporting system      of your Sales staff other staff for you to view on your mobi     at any time

  13. Digital Marketing trough Free portals ( through paid portal At your cost)


The Office Manager

Automated Office Management System


Our Features—Your Benefits


  1.  Online Attendance for all Staff

  2.  Online check in & Check out for Sales team for each customer entry and exit

  3.  Task & Time linked solutions to increase productivity and staff comfortability.

  4.  Maximum utilization of your employees.

  5.  Online Task / work updation after completion of each task

  6.  Automated daily reports for all especially for sales team

  7.  Sales Review , Sales Projection , Sales Performance module

  8.  Online Reports for you to see at any time anywhere on Lap top / Desk Top / Mobile

  9.  Report privacy—non editable / non-erasable

  10.  Can handle any number of people all over India.


*Customized Software asper your requirements  Launching cost only at Rs. 4990/- One Time with 30 days online Free Service


*With limitations as per maximum possibility

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